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How to calculate stepper motor power

2020-06-16 09:24:36   Editor:凯福   

Friends who have not used the stepper motor when asking the technical parameters related to the stepper motor, most of them will ask how to calculate the stepper motor power?


Theoretically speaking, the power of the stepper motor can be calculated during operation, but on the whole, it is not scientific in terms of power. Because the motor in the control speed becomes faster or slower, the power consumed is changed, each time point itself will produce voltage, and the voltage generated at different time points is not exactly the same, the motor will produce voltage at the same time and offset the input voltage, so the calculated power is only at a certain moment, and can not represent its whole. So, how to calculate the stepper motor power, so we use the torque to measure.

The stepper motor is characterized by low torque, and the torque decreases sharply after exceeding the rated speed, and the relationship between the two is non-linear. Therefore, for a stepper motor, the output power is different at different speeds. Therefore, we mainly refer to the torque parameter in the selection. If you must have a clear understanding of how to calculate the power of the stepper motor, you can refer to the calculation method:

Torque and power are converted as follows: P= Ω·M, because Ω=2π·n/60, so P=2πnM/60; P is power in watts, Ω is angular velocity per second in radians, n is rotational speed per minute, and M is torque in Newtons · meters