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Stepper motor rotary table

2020-02-26 13:51:08   Editor:小编   

     Stepper motor rotating table is a combination of stepper motor and rotating platform (hollow rotating platform), mainly used in 2-axis function execution. The positioning accuracy of the rotating platform and the accuracy of the stepper motor determine whether the whole equipment components can be completed according to the theoretical value.



When selecting the stepper motor rotating table, we must first determine the disk radius, mass and rotation Angle per second of the mechanism, so that the load inertia, running speed and load torque can be calculated. In the calculation of inertia is usually based on the bearing object, such as: cylinder, cuboid, not through the center of gravity axis to calculate, in order to determine the most in line with the actual functional requirements of the stepper motor rotating table. Of course, here is not to rest easy, but also need to pay attention to the torque, inertia, speed has a reasonable margin.

If you need to consider the stepper motor and the hollow rotating platform separately in the selection process, you can contact our technical service colleagues for assistance if you do not understand! Professional stepper motor rotary table experience and technical solutions to provide you with innovative inspiration!