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Mask machine stepper motor

2020-02-25 18:10:52   Editor:小编   



According to the company's accumulation in the mask machine industry, the mask machine stepper motor 42, 57 and 86 series (as shown in the above matching) are relatively used more, mainly used in the non-woven fabric compound and slicing in the slicer, the main distribution machine and the spot welding machine of the left and right ear lapping position, the blanking machine is responsible for the stacking and unloading of masks, according to the requirements of different equipment, Some will also use the cutting machine (rope welding), edge sealing machine, cutting machine (mask cutting, blanking), these devices will all use the stepper motor. If you want to quickly understand the application of stepper motor for mask machine, you can call: 0769-23033384. Collocation combination

Stepper motor of mask machine: Y07-59D1-17156D(double output shaft) or Y07-59D1-17155 (single output shaft)

Mask machine stepper motor driver: Y2SD2

Planetary reducer for mask machine: PLF060

Speed regulating motor for mask machine: 6W, 15W, 25W, 40W, 60W, 90W, 120W, 200W

Some equipment manufacturers do folding type, some do flat type, and some do vertical type, different from the production line, our mature mask machine stepper motor program will also be supporting the reducer or speed control motor, one-stop solution to the positioning problem of the whole mask machine, the following is often supporting speed control motor (induction motor)
