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Schematic diagram of alignment platform calculation method

2021-10-14 15:25:45   Editor:ym   


Q; How to find the δθ of the rotation of the platform (taking the fit as an example)?

This is known by the formula δθ=δ6-δ5

A: If the product is small. Two cameras can be used to position reference points and objects (generally as follows) :

The following diagram is shown:


Vision can use the template matching algorithm to find the coordinates of the reference (X, Y, θ) () can also find the coordinates of the object

If the product is relatively large, you can use the grasp Angle to calculate the central position and Angle of the product. You can use 4 cameras or 8 cameras to figure out the position of 2 products.

The following is a simple model of positioning at a baseline using 8 cameras (4 benchmarks and 4 objects).


* The image coordinates of the vision algorithm and the coordinate relationship of the motor mechanism need to be worked out by software engineers and electrical engineers.

Suppose that the position of the object obtained by image processing is (X5, Y5, δ5) in the X0Y coordinate.

The position of the reference obtained by image processing is (X6, Y6, δ6) in XY coordinates.

The resulting rotation data is:

The delta theta equals delta 6 - delta 5



Assume that the initial position (generally set to the origin position, and need to return to the origin after each alignment) is horizontal. So let's say theta 0 is equal to 0

According to UVW's calculation formula:

Delta X1=R*COS (δθ+θX1+θ0) -R*COS (+θX1+θ0)

Delta X2=R*COS (δθ+θX2+θ0) -R*COS (+θX2+θ0)

δY1=R*Sin (δθ+θY1+θ0) -R*Sin (+θY1+θ0)

Where θ0=0

The delta theta equals delta 6 - delta 5

θX1θX2θY1R (already given at the factory) is known.

We can figure out delta X1, delta X2, delta Y1, where the units are mm.

Then add (or subtract) the corresponding value of XY to get the distance (mm) that the actual platform needs to travel:

The delta X1 = delta X1 + X

The delta X2 = delta X2 + X

The delta Y1 = delta Y1 + Y

Then we can calculate the number of pulses needed to drive the X1 axis to move:

X1 (pluse) =δX1*Mp........... (1)

(MP is the pulse equivalent, which is determined by the screw pitch and encoder together)

By the same token, the number of moving pulses in the X2 axis can be obtained as:

X2 (pluse) =δX2*Mp........... (2)

The number of pulses moving around the Y1 axis is:

Y1 (pluse) =δY1*Mp........... (3)

The above is the calculation method and calculation diagram of the counterpoint platform, YARAK counterpoint platform has rich experience in industry application, can provide you with professional counterpoint platform questions, welcome to inquire.