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Stepper motor positioning is not accurate reasons

2020-07-30 17:37:21   Editor:凯福   

Stepper motor positioning is not generally caused by the following reasons:

1, change the direction when the pulse is lost, it is shown to be accurate in any direction, but a change in direction will accumulate deviation, and the more the number of times the more biased;

2, the initial speed is too high, the acceleration is too large, causing sometimes lost steps;

3, in the case of synchronous belt software compensation too much or too little;

4, motor strength is not enough;

5, the controller caused by interference caused by misoperation;

6, the drive is caused by interference;

7. Software defects;


The analysis of the above stepper motor positioning problem is as follows:

1, the general stepper driver has certain requirements for the direction and pulse signal, such as: The direction signal is determined a few microseconds before the arrival of the first pulse rising or falling edge (different driver requirements are not the same), otherwise there will be a pulse operating Angle and the actual need to turn the opposite, and finally the fault phenomenon is more and more deviated, the smaller the subdivision is more obvious, the solution is mainly to use software to change the logic of the pulse or add delay.

2, because the characteristics of the stepper motor determines that the initial speed can not be too high, especially in the case of large load inertia, it is recommended that the initial speed is below 1r/s, so that the impact is small, the same acceleration is too large on the system impact is also large, easy to overrush, resulting in positioning is not

3, adjust the value of the compensated parameter according to the actual situation, (because the elastic deformation of the synchronization belt is large, so it is necessary to add some compensation when changing the direction).

4, appropriately increase the motor current, improve the driver voltage (note the optional driver) choose a motor with larger torque.

5, the interference of the system caused by the controller or driver error, we can only find a way to find the source of interference, reduce its interference ability (such as shielding, increase the spacing distance, etc.), cut off the transmission path, improve their own anti-interference ability, common measures:

A, use double-grain shielded wire instead of ordinary wire, signal line in the system and large current or large voltage change wire wiring separately, reduce electromagnetic interference ability.

B, use the power filter to filter out the interference wave from the power grid, and add the power filter to the input end of the major electrical equipment under the conditions to reduce the interference between the devices in the system.

C, it is best to use photoelectric isolation devices for signal transmission between the devices, where conditions permit, pulse and direction signals are best to use differential method plus photoelectric isolation for signal transmission. Add a resistance-capacitance absorption or fast release circuit at both ends of the inductive load (such as electromagnetic relays, solenoid valves), and the inductive load can produce a peak voltage of 10 to 100 times in the first instant, if the operating frequency is above 20KHZ.

6. The software does some fault tolerance processing to eliminate the impact of interference.

If you still have questions about the reasons for the inaccurate positioning of the stepper motor, you can consult online customer service or call to inquire!