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Integrated stepper Motor _ Integrated stepper Motor

2020-02-17 13:45:58   Editor:小编   

The integrated stepper motor is generally an integrated motor drive and control in one, mainly to reduce space and improve product efficiency, but at the same time, it will also cause heat dissipation problems. The integrated stepper motors sold by the company include integrated stepper, integrated stepper servo, stepper motor with encoder, integrated stepper motor with brake and integrated reducer stepper motor.


According to the design structure and application requirements, due to the different functions and environments of each device, there will be differences in the use of integrated stepper motors, some need to subdivide the difference, some need to bring feedback, some need emergency braking, some need small space and speed requirements.

Before recommending the use of integrated stepper motor, our engineers will generally calculate the integrated stepper motor that meets the actual requirements according to the design requirements of customers, combined with the structure, electrical and related functions, and give the corresponding automation application control solution from a professional perspective! Technical service hotline: 400-960-1069