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Notice on 2018 Employee physical examination

2018-05-17 18:24:45   Editor:   

I. Physical examination time: 8:30-9:10 am, July 7, 2018 (Saturday)

2. Physical examination place: Meinian Health Examination Center

Third, detailed address: Nancheng Yuanmei Road Gold Garden on the first floor (next to Haiyue Hotel).

Iv. Precautions:

1, check the day of light clothing, try to avoid wearing plastic underwear, dresses or pantyhose, do not wear metal accessories and contact lenses.

2, the day before the physical examination, light diet, avoid high-protein, high-fat, high-cholesterol diet, avoid drinking alcohol or alcoholic beverages.

3, the morning of the physical examination do not drink water, eat (it is best to maintain an empty stomach for 6-8 hours; Fasting items: blood collection, B-ultrasound, C-14, TTM, capsule gastroscope), and the fasting time should not be too long (not more than 12 hours), so as not to affect the concentration of blood sugar detection.

4. The bladder must be full before the female adnexa B (color) inspection (that is, when there is urination). You don't have to hold your urine for a vaginal ultrasound.

5, women do not do urine testing during menstruation, do not do gynecological examination (3-5 days before the gynecological examination of different rooms, the first three days of no local drug), menstrual clean 3-5 days before the inspection or retest. Women who have sex and do not take contraceptive measures in the month can be retested 5 days after menstruation.

6, pregnant women and plan to become pregnant please inform the doctor or nurse, do not do carbon 14 breath test and X-ray examination: such as chest X-ray (chest anteroposterior and lateral X-ray), cervical and lumbar anteroposterior and lateral X-ray, CT examination.

7. Patients with chronic medical history should provide medical history, surgical history, etc.; If you are taking certain medications, you should tell your doctor so that you can analyze the medical data and draw conclusions.

8, the day of the unfinished project, can be reserved for one year, one year will be automatically cancelled, are not refundable and transfer.

9. Please bring your valid ID card (ID card or work ID card with photo) for reference.

10. The chest CT examination takes three minutes and is valid for one year.